drzewo życia fundacja my symbol dla ogrody społeczne

In the springtime of 2016 the Foundation WE came into existence.

It was established within the deepest needs of the Heart.

In order to raise vibrations and create the world full of gentleness, harmony and beauty.

We know that the ordinary people, altogether, here and now, can really change the world.
Make it more open, gentle, friendly, safe.
We want to live and work among such people. Those who are simply kind for each other, who trust others and cooperate easily.
During the everyday work, we want to feel the joy and we want others to feel the same as well.

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HOW we want to do it:

  • Introducing to the neighbourhoods & local communities new, invigorating, nourishing ways of cooperation – based on kindness, trust and joy.
  • Starting from changing the nearby surroundings, our town & region into the better place to live.
  • By sincere listening to our real needs, talking to each other and affecting local decision-makers. By promoting consistent cooperation and opening hearts of all Polish people to build finally common Poland for everyone (not divided like now).
  • By creating new world, based on positive values, that our hearts easily resonate with and make our Foundation the place of coming together those beautiful hearts and souls.


WHAT we want to do:

  • Build the community gardens.
  • Introduce the principles of new economy – social economy – based on uninterrupted flow of money and the win-win rule (such as: communal banks, local currency, youth education).
  • Create the Internet platform and unite the Polish alternative community around it. We want people who consider themselves open-minded & living consciouss to promote their services/workshops/knowledge and exchange it.
UPDATE - www.JasnaPolska.pl (Light Poland) was launched on April 2018 and it's working ever since, successfully fulfiling its mission.
  • Support resurgent movement of the Slavs, who are our ancient ancestors, living in this part of Europe long before the Christianity came and destroyed their beautiful culture.
  • Organize workshops and conferences on the subjects mentioned above and invite the beautiful teachers from around the world.
