Jasna Polska alternatywny portal duchowy, blog, wyszukiwarka ogłoszeń, szukaj warsztaty, kursy, wydarzenia, rozwój osobisty, duchowość, ezo ogłoszenia, blog rozwojowy, blog duchowy



Light Poland (Jasna Polska) is the Internet platform and unite the Polish spiritual, consciouss community.
We want to make it BIG, to support people from our world - so they can promote their services/workshops/knowledge and exchange it.

Kaypacha horoskop tygodniowy dla zaćmień sierpień 2017

Organize workshops, meetings and conferences on the subjects of spiritual growth and conscioussness and invite the beautiful teachers from around the world.
One is already done - in 2017 we've had Kaypacha here for 4 days reatreat in Poland 🙂


Nareszcie fajny program widziałam - AKUMULATOR SPOŁECZNY, czyli zastrzyk finansowy dla młodych fundacji

Social Economy
Introduce the principles of new economy – social economy – based on uninterrupted flow of money and the win-win rule (such as: communal banks, local currency, youth education).


New Paradigm in Living
We want  to popularize the construction of eartship biotecture in our country (it requires lots of law work) and consuequently start building kindergartens and other public buildings in this technology